Brodotrogir d.d.

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ph. + 385 21 883 - 201
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ph. + 385 21 883 - 303
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Scientific Survey and Research Vessels

76 m


BRODOTROGIR d.d. Project 22-01

The vessel is designed for world-wide service suitable for survey operations.
The vessel to have open aft deck, two-tier forecastle and seaworthy hull form with bulbous bow.
Accommodation for 54 persons and machinery space incorporating two medium speed Diesel engines.
The vessel will be fitted with a bow and stern thruster units.
The systems and machinery will be rated for the following temperatures:-
Ambient air Max. + 45°C Min. - 10°C
Sea Water Max. + 32°C Min. +5°C


Length overall 76,00 m Diesel oil tanks 800 m3
Length between p.p 64,00 m Lub oil tanks 8 m3
Breadth, moulded 16,00 m Fresh water tanks 200 m3
Depth, moulded, to weather deck 8,60 m Anti-rolling tank 90 m3
Design draught 5,50 m
Deadweight at design draught 1500 t


Vessel is designed, when operating on level trim at the design draught of 5.50m in deep water, with clean hull, no wave, no wind, to achieve a service speed of not less than 14 knots, with the main machinery not exceeding its maximum continuous rating (MCR) exclusive of the shaft alternator.
The vessel and its tankage/stores for the stowage of consumables will be designed for a range of 12000 nautical miles (endurance: 30 days), with the vessel operating at the design draught at a service speed of 12 knots in Sea State 4 with all auxiliary machinery operating under normal sea going conditions.


The Vessel, including her hull, machinery and equipment will be designed, constructed and built under the survey of BV, DNV, GL or LR and in accordance with its rules including all the supplements coming into force up to date of signing of the Contract, for the following class:

+100 A1, FS, LMC, UMS, DP (AM), Research Vessel (Lloyd’s or equivalent)

Hull form with bulbous bow and transom stern.
A deep double bottom to extend throughout the length of hull
Structure to be designed for 25 years exploitation life.
Ordinary frame spacing 600 mm throughout, web frames at 3000mm distance.
Hull protection by means of impressed current cathodic protection system.
Current density 35 mA/m2


Shop Primer
Steel surfaces: zinc silicate primer for areas with zinc silicate follow-up coatings

Painting system and total dry film thicknesses in microns:
Underwater part: epoxy 300 mic, self polishing A/F (5 years life time)
Topside, superstructures, outside : epoxy 250 mic, 50 mic poyurethane
Main deck: abrasive resistant epoxy 250 mic, 50 mic
Decks, bulkheads and decks alkyd (cert. for low-flame spread char.) 110 mic
heads in accommodation,
engine room and stores:
Tanks for drinking water: epoxy 250 mic (certificate for drinking water)
Ballast tanks: epoxy 320 mic (SOLAS reg. II- 1/3.2 Regulation MSC
215 (82)
Cofferdams, voids and similar: epoxy 200 mic


Stern load handling – A frame
Safe Working Load 12 t
Location Weather deck
Purpose Seabed samples, miscellaneous observations
Side load handling
Safe Working Load 5 t
Location Weather deck
Purpose For lowering various oceanographic equipment

- one (1) forward provision deck crane, 2 t SWL, outreach 4,0 m over ship side
- one (1) midship (for lifting working/ rescue boat) crane, 5 t SWL, outreach 4,0 m over ship side
- one (1) aft deck crane, 2 t SWL, outreach 4,0 m over ship side

Main winch 10 Tons, 10000 m
CDT winch 5 Tons, 5000 m, 8 mm diameter wire
Oceanographic winch 2 Tons,
General purpose winch 5 Tons,


- Autopilot
- S-band radar
- X-band radar
- Digital chart system
- Radio installation according to GMDSS regions A1, A2, A3
- Gyro
- Doppler speed log
- Echo sounder
- DGPS Positioning


- V – sat
- Inmersat
- Navigation light as per international regulations
- Search light / reflectors on weather deck


- DP system
- Acoustic Positioning
- Echo sounder
- Side Scan Sounder
- Sonardyne units
- Computer network system


Two (2) heel supported high lift balanced rudders.

Steering gear
Two (2) rotary vane type electro-hydraulic steering gear with power units and their connections fitted in duplicate. Rudder angle 2 x 65°.

Anchoring & mooring
- Two (2) anchors high-hold type with special shank, fitted in anchor pockets
- Two (2) bow anchor chain cables K3 quality
- Two (2) combined windlasses/mooring winches with one cable lifter, one drum and one warping head, each on foredeck.
- Two (2) capstans for mooring on stern, one per each side of ship on processing deck
Operation of winches: Electrical, constant tension.

Side thrusters
One (1) electrical bow thruster with controllable pitch propeller, rating: 1200 kW
One (1) electrical stern thruster with controllable pitch propeller, rating: 600 kW


Working deck area
Stern working area of abt. 280 m2 aft of deckhouses.
All working areas will be provide 1”-8NC (SAE National Coarse Thread) threaded inserts on two-foot centers distance with a tolerance of ± 1/16”
Space for containers: 1x 20 ft

- Wet lab/hydro lab (100 m2) is located contiguous to CTD/rosette launching and sampling areas.
- Main (dry) lab area (70 m2) is designed for frequent subdivision providing smaller specialized labs
- Electronics/computer lab (30 m2) will be provided as a separate lab
- Separate electronics repair shop/work space for resident technicians that includes provision for repair bench space for visiting technicians
- Climate controlled workspace (approx. 10 m2)


Lifesaving appliances
- One (1) rescue / working boat with inboard engine, water jet driven, for 12 persons
- One (1) rescue boat with davits
- Four (4) inflatable liferafts for 25 persons each, with one davit, to SOLAS requirements

Survey boat
- One (1) survey boat with inboard engine, water jet driven to support the mother vessel for survey operations, particularly in shallow waters/ harbour surveys

Accommodation with pertaining systems
Following spaces will be arranged for complement of 54 persons:
High European standard accommodation for 12 officers, 10 rating, 32 survey officers/visiting scientists, two double spare cabins
Captain and Chief Engineer and three officers with dayroom, bedroom and san. space,
Other officers: combined day/bed room with san. space,
Rating: 6 single cabins with private san. space, + two double berth cabins
Survey officers/visiting scientists: 8 single cabins with private san. space, + 12 double berth cabins
All private toilets to be of prefabricated type
Two mess rooms, duty mess and two day rooms
Two laundries, changing rooms
Galley and pantries
Dry provision, refrigerated chamber (meat, fish, vegetable, dairy)
Stores and lockers

Partition bulkheads lining, ceiling
Cabin dividing bulkheads, corridor bulkheads, all lining and ceiling are to be made of prefabricated panels,
Lamella ceiling: in accommodation painted steel, for galley stainless steel.

Thermal insulation for all air-conditioned spaces
Vertical / horizontal surfaces exposed to weather to be insulated with mineral wool (density abt. 30-40 kg/m3) of 50/80 mm thickness & 30 mm thickness in way of beams, girders and stiffeners.
Mineral wool insulation with aluminum foil to be fastened with pins and wire

Air-conditioning plant
The air conditioning provided for all cabins, public rooms, pantries, offices, hospital, wheelhouse / chart / radio room, etc.
Wheelhouse air conditioned but without consideration of the heat gain from open space.
The plant will be designed for the following conditions with maximum 50 per cent re-circulation:
Climatic Conditions:

External Internal
Cooling +35oC/70% RH +29oC/50% RH
Heating -20oC +22oC

Additional electrical heating for galley and laundry.
The air conditioning plant to consist of one central unit.
The AC-unit provided with mixing filter, heating (steam), humidifying (steam), cooling, fan and distribution section. The air conditioning system to be of monoduct, high velocity type, with central automatic temperature and humidity control.
Control of room temperature will be effected by individual throttling of the air supply.

Sanitary supply and discharge system
- Hydrophore system
- UV sterilizer
- Fresh water demand: 50 tonnes/day, Heating: by engine cooling water + S.W. reverse osmosis
- Sewage treatment plant, type: biological/chemical operation

Engine room ventilation
The engine room to be ventilated with two bigger capacity axial supply fans (one reversible) and one smaller capacity centrifugal fans connected to spiro pipes distribution ducts.
Total capacity of the fans to correspond to the combustion needs of engine(s) and boiler(s) +50%.
One (1) exhaust fan will be provided for the separator station and the welding station.


Main engine
- Two (2) medium speed, four stroke, single acting non-reversible marine diesel engines, coupled to controllable pitch propeller via reduction gear-boxes, operated on diesel fuel oil

MCR abt 2000 kW
RPM abt 900 rpm

- Two (2) reduction gear-boxes max. 2000 kW input, to CPP plant including step-up gear (multiplication) with PTO for shaft generator of abt. 500 kW
- Two (2) 5 bladed, low noise propellers, controllable pitch, diameter abt.3400 m, in nozzles

Auxiliary machinery
- Two (2) diesel generator sets, each of abt 1250 kW, 3 x 440 V, 60 Hz
- Diesels: marine type, four stroke, single acting, turbocharged, operated on marine diesel fuel oil
- Generators: synchronous, brushless type.
- One (1) shaft generator of abt. 500 kVA, 3x440 V, 60 Hz
- Emergency generator

One (1) combined oil fired/exhaust gas marine boiler with automatic oil burner, capacity of abt 1500 kg/h at oil fired side and 800 kg/h at exhaust gas side saturated steam at 7 bar and feed water temperature up to 60 deg C.

Water cooling system
Central fresh water cooling system for all cooling purposes. Re-cooling of the fresh water cooling is by sea water. Fresh water generator and air conditioning plant cooled by sea water.

Lubricating oil system
Main engine and auxiliary diesel engines will have separate lub oil systems.

Separator plant
- Two FO separator
One LO separator
- One bilge water separator

Fuel system
Fuel oil system for main engine, diesel engines for generators and oil-fired boilers is designed
Pressurised fuel service system for main engine and diesel engines for generators.

ER integrated automation, ME remote control & safety
ER integrated automation and ME remote control system will comply with UMS class requirements.


Two (2) ballast, centrifugal pump, self priming, el. driven 210 m3/h


One main bilge self priming pump arranged in engine room, second main bilge pump of same capacity in bow thruster room.
The forward pump is fed from the emergency switchboard.


- Water mist fire fighting plant serving engine room
- Local protection system, included in water mist
- Fire detecting plant for engine room and accommodation alleyways
- Emergency fire pump


- 8 cameras, 4 monitors


- Main switchboards
- Emergency switchboard
- Power distribution boards
- Lighting distribution boards
- 24 V DC distribution boards

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