Length o.a. (including platforms)
311,28 m
Length over pontoons
275,28 m
Distance between pontoons
1,24 m
Length of middle pontoon
183,52 m
Breadth, outside
63,30 m
Breadth, inside
53,30 m
Clear inside breadth
Breadth of each wing wall
5,00 m
Length of end pontoon
44,64 m
Breadth of end pontoon, outside
75,30 m
Breadth of end pontoon, inside
67,30 m
Length of end pontoon wing walls
44,64 m
Total height
22,50 m
Pontoon depth in centreline
6,10 m
Height of keelblocks
1,80 m
Depth of water above keelblocks when submerged
12,00 m
Corresponding freeboard of top deck
2,60 m
Lifting capacity
Lifting capacity at 5,30 m draft
60.000 m.t
Extra ballast water
12.000 m.t.
Lifting time
2,5 h
Tank capacities
Fuel oil boilers total
140m 3
Diesel oil for generators total
86m 3
Lubricating oil total
4 m 3
Boiler feed water total
50m 3
Fresh water total
127m 3
Sewage tanks, total
99 m 3
Tanks for fuel, lub. oil and bilge w. from ship total
810m 3
Cranes: One (1) gantry crane, 2x300 kN, lifting height 62,0 m above keel blocks. Two (2) portal cranes of 100/30 kN at 32,0 m outreach. Winches: Totally eight (8) captains, 120 kN pulling force at 10 m/min. Lifts: Four(4) passenger lifts, 1,0 t capacity each Mechanical workshop: Equipped with usual machines Welding equipment: Totally 12 connections (500 A each) for direct current welding. Acetylene and oxygen piping with connections Cleaning and painting eq. Two (2) mobile independent units. Cleaning of docked hulls by high pressure water jet (500 bar) and by sandblasting, painting by airless spraying, automatic and hand operation. Platform height 2-26 m. Stores for: Welding equipment, spare parts, deck stores, paint store, e.t.c.
Automatic start of auxiliary diesel generator. Control console in control house. Remote control of ballast pumps and valves from control house with ballast tank's level indication. Trim, heel and deflaction indicators. Indication of ship's boltom-keelblocks contact and indication of transverse distances ship's side - wing walls. One on-line computer for planning and supervision of docking. One VHF radiotelephone, command and call system, automatic telephone exchange .
SPECIFICATION Classification & Regulations
Dock to be built under supervision of USSR Register of Shipping to obtain class K III PLAVDOK In addition, other international and national rules and requirements are met as far as applicable to floating dock.
Two continuous main wing walls, three pon- toons. Detachable end pontoons. Longitudinal underdeck girders, transverse frames. Bulkheads in pontoon at 4,96 m spacing. Totally 34 ballast tanks. Permitted loads of pontoon deck: - Centreline longitudinal bulkheads: uniform load 2x200 t/m - Side longitudinal bulkheads: uniform load 200 t/m -Transv. bulkheads 200 t/m -Web. frames, at any athwartship position concentrated load 250 t -Working platforms: 0,7 t/m -Vehicle load 18 t/shaft, 4 wheels Painting: bottom sides and ballast tanks 3x125 mcr.d.f.t. coal tar epoxy Impressed current cathodic protection
Fenders: Two (2) roller type rubber fenders at entrance Towing-in equipment: Two pulling cars, 160 kN pull each, two retarding cars 140 kN brake each, remotely controlled from control house Keel & side blocks: Totally 714 pcs, 2500 kN permitted load Ballast pumps and piping: Totally twelve (12) electrically driven centrifugal pumps 4000 mVh capacity at 0,9 bar each situated in dry pump rooms. Piping and butterfly valves to serve ballast tanks. Hydraulic motors for valve actuators in pump rooms. Mooring of dock: Totally twelve (12) mooring chains with anchor, 8 transverse and 4 longitudinal, total length abt. 2000 m.
Following is provided: Nine cabins with private sanitary spaces -for dock crew: One (1) mess room and three (3) day rooms, pantry, provision store, dock's office, drying room, changing rooms, stores e.t.c. -for workers Three (3) rest rooms and sanitary spaces with changing rooms, male and female -for docks ship's crew: Sanitary spaces, male and female All living space air conditioned, sanitary spaces heated and ventilated.
Electric energy source: Four (4) HV transformers to transform shore supply 6000 V to 400 V for dockuse, 3 x 1200 kVA, 1 x 1600 kVA, 1 x 160 kVA. One (1) auxiliary diesel generator 850 kW with installation possibility for two more units.One (1) emergency d. generator, 100 kVA Steam source: One (1) boiler, 5 t/h of saturated steam, 6 bar pressure Shore connections for: Electricity, steam, air, oxygen, acetylene and water Sewage treatment: Separated collection of black and grey waters, six (6) pumps for discharge Firefighting system: Two (2) el. driven pumps, each 150 mYh at 8,5 bar with piping. One (1) diesel driven of the same capacity. Portable drainage pumps: Four (4), 300 mYh at 2,0 bar each, submersible, electric driven for complete drainage of ballast tanks Filling of docked ship tanks:Two (2) pumps, each 1000 mYh at 3,5 bar with ten connections.