A significant player on the global and Croatian shipbuilding market combining the shipbuilding tradition and new technologies, known for its recognizable ship design. Tradition, experience, quality and results on the global market make us one of the companies having a strong positive influence on the Croatian economy.
Construction, overhauls and ship and vessel modifications require efficient and flexible organization capable of offering quality, innovative and cost-effective solutions to every request of the market, individual buyer or partner.
Brodotrogir installs high-quality components into its products, making it a respectable partner whose activities promote sustainable development of both its micro-location and the region. Experience, work and results guarantee the quality of its products and services.
Brodotrogir wants to be recognized as a reliable partner acting as a prime mover of development in its region, taking care of environmental protection and doing business observing the principle of sustainable development. Our vision is to be a significant economic subject in the region, simultaneously recognized on the global market for the quality of its products – ships, like the vastly improved Trogir Design (T-design) which became a kind of a brand in the world.
We want to make it to the top of the world shipbuilding industry in our present niche and move forward towards innovative solutions. To obtain and continuously maintain the status of a reliable supplier of vessels to the largest shipping companies in the world. We are trying to stay ahead of the competition in the application of the latest technologies, innovative design and execution solutions, technical performances, low exploitation costs and reliability.
The main goals of Brodotrogir d.d. as a business system are as follows:
- To deliver sophisticated ships meeting all the requirements and expectations of our buyers and to provide quality and timely services to our buyers, in accordance with all the applicable laws, norms and rules of
classification associations. - At the level of each of its parts, Brodotrogir d.d. as a company, with the application of the principle of continuous improvement, our goal is to shorten the duration of the production cycle and all the associated costs, with simultaneous increase in the quality of our products and services. This is to be achieved by permanent and uncompromising elimination of waste and advancement of business processes.
- Proactively participate in the upcoming process of privatization and restructuring of Croatian shipbuilding, providing maximum support to all the participants with the goal of fastest possible completion of the process.
- Execution of the Restructuring plan of Brodotrogir d.d., to be acknowledged by the European Commission, with the aim of financial recovery, technical-technological and organizational restructuring of the shipbuilding process for purposes of achieving world-class productivity.
- Diversification of activities in keeping with the Restructuring program.
- To achieve long-term business sustainability.